Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Wonders G4 Reading and Writing workshop pages 52-59

 What is a volcano? 

This is when the magma from deep inside the Earth pushes up through the techtonic plate.  

Here is a video of the volcano on Hawaii Big Island 

What happened on Hawaii. 

What did the residents feel first? How was this tracked? 

Then what happened?  Who saw the volcano from the helicopter? 

What plans did the Civil Defence do? 

What did the residents of Liliani Estates do? 

Now read the background about volcanos on pages 52-59

Answer the questions in the Comprehension Strategy sections. 

Questions Over to YOU!

Have you ever been in a natural disaster? 

If so, what was it?  What did you do?  Where was it?  Did anyone get hurt?

If not, then tell what happened to a character in a book or a story that was in a natural disaster. 

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