Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Worst Witch Lesson Plan Page 2

 The Worst Witch is Mildred Hubble!! 

What does the castle look like?  

Would you like to go there? 

What do the girls do during recess? 

|Read the last line of Page 1 and go on to Page 2


corridors - hallways

winding- stairs turning around

staircases - stairs 


hobnailed boots - boots with nails on the sole 

black and white checked dress: 

told off - being yelled at 
 back-to-front - backwards
bootlaces - shoelaces
writing lines - a type of punishment where you write the same thing many times. 

Tell the meaning of these phrases: 
told off,  bootlaces, writing lines,  

How many words can you find in this phrase? 

_______   _______ ________ ________ 

Make sentences 

were, There,  narrow, long, corridors 

summer , Their , dresses , checked , black-and-grey,  were


there seemed to be tests and exams every week.

week, seemed, every, to, exams, be, There, be, tests, and 


What color was the school uniform? 
What clothes did the girls wear? 
What color was the school badge? 
What animal was on the school badge? 
Why did the girls wear sashes? 

Draw your own school badge for Miss Cackle's school. 

More activites: 

Put in the correct word in the sentence: 

Mildred is a ______ (dragon, witch, muggle) 

The school uniform is ______ (green, white, black)

Mildred can ride a ________ (broomstick,  chair,  unicorn)

Tell what makes a witch: 
  1 _______     2 ________ 3 _______   4 ________ 

What witches do you know about? 

1______________    2 ________________  3____________ 

Homework : 

Warm UP  
See how many words you can find and put them in the crossword puzzle! 
2nd half of page 2 

Halfway - about 7 weeks into the school year 
term - a semester of schooling
 presented with - given
trained to - taught to 
practical purpose - a good reason
tradition - a way of doing things that was done in the past
just a matter of taste - personal preference = how a person likes it 
new-fangled nonsense - modern ideas 
in her young day - her youth 
paperback editions - a soft cover book

Spelling : Word bank:  term   halfway   trained  purpose  paperback

p_rp_ se         _erm       ha_ _ w _y       p _p_r_b_ck    

Make sentences: 


pupil   given  Each    a  broomstick   was  


schools  Some  instead owls  present 



Pupil  Each  copy a  recieved  Spells   The Book  Popular  Spells of 



Present Tense Match with Past Tense        

train                                    took

teach                                  trained

is                                        taught

take                                    was    


Choose the correct word for the sentence

Pupils were given ______ (dragon,  black kitten,  grey dog)

Students were taught to ride _____ (a motorcycle, a bike, a broomstick )

Miss Cackle was a __________  (modern, funny, traditional)  headmistress

At the end of the first year the pupils were given ______ (The Tales of Beadle the Bard,  The Popular Book of Spells,  Oxford Encylopedia ) 

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