Thursday, February 4, 2021

Oil is discovered in Persia!


This is a film from 1951 that has footage that shows how oil was discovered. 

Now read Story of the World book 4 pages 176-180


Why was there a problem in Persia? 
Which Shah started the problems? 
What did Russia want? 
What did England want? 
What did Persia want? 
What did the American bankers want? 
Why were the British angry? 
What did they do about it? 
Why did the people want to have a constitution? 
Was it successful? 

Who found oil? 
What were the conditions like when they found the oil? 
What did the new company have to do? 
Why did Winston Churhill want to develop this resource? 

You are an advisor to the Shah.  Write him a report about the advantages and disadvantages of granting the British a concession to develop oil drilling in Persia.  Give your own opinion at the end of the report. 

If there is time in class then go to this site and learn how Iran got its current name.

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