Sunday, February 21, 2021

Wonders GK Book 10 pages 32-45 Lesson Plan

 How do we save the Earth? 

We can plant seeds.  

Watch Rachael as she plants seeds. 

Teacher plants seeds. 

Next lets read pages 32-33. How does planting a tree help the environment? 

Have you ever planted a tree? 

Where do trees grow in your commuity? 

Now lets go over the new word and word sounds. 

Please write the words in your notebook. 

Let's watch this video about riding the bus versus driving the car. 

Which would you rather do? 

Which man has a better time going to work? 

Which is in a better mood to start work? 

Let's read pages 36-43 

What is happening in each photo? 

How do the kids help Dad save the lake? 

Why is using a lunch box better than taking a plastic bag? 

Why is taking the bus better than driving the car? 

Why can riding a bike better than driving the car or taking the bus? 

How many people can fit into a van? 

How many people can fit into a bus? 

What are they doing at the Yard sale? 

Do people have Yard sales in your city? 


What is the best way to help save our planet. Draw a picture of your favorite way and write a sentence about it. 

Class Summary: 

We planted some seeds together, then read about how to plant trees, studied some new words, watched a video about taking the bus vs driving the car, and then read a story about different ways of saving our planet Earth.  You have homework to do about saving our planet Earth. 

Rachael Alice Orbach Professional English teacher 

Teacher Credential and Teacher's Licence 

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