Monday, February 22, 2021

Wonders G2 Unit 1 Reading and Writing Workshop - Maria Celebrates Brazil

 Well, as you know now in 2021, because of the COVID19, the Carnival in Rio has been cancelled, but that doesn't mean that we don't have anything to celebrate with. We can see the videos from years past! 

This video happens to be from 2018, and it was a very good year too! 

Now after watching the video, we can read the text on pages 38-43, then answer some questions.

You can watch this cute video about the vocabulary words: 

Now we are going to get a bit of background:  If you want just the introduction, watch up to about a minute, if you want to listen to the story, then continue on in the video.  

Personally, I would like you, the student to read the story, and then listen afterwards to check that you read everything correctly! 

Now let's take a quiz based on this story:

Now some questions

What is the main idea of this story? 

Where does Maria want to go in the beginning of the story? 

Why does she change her mind? 

Where does she go instead? 

What happens at the Parade? 

How does Maria feel? 

How is Maria's family the same and different from your family? 

Rachael Alice Orbach Professional English teacher:

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Common vocabulary words to study for this week's English test!

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