Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Wonders G4 Lesson 1 Creative Problem solving


Creative Problem solving: 

First watch part of this video: 


What problem did the king have? 

Who did he ask to solve the problem? 

Did he find out about his crown? 

Have you ever solved a problem in this way? 

What problem was it? 

What solution did you come up with? 

Show your teacher. 

Read pages 16 and 17: 

What problem did the crow have? 

Did the crow intentially solve the problem? 

What did the crow finally  get? 

Read pages 18 and 19: 

Answer the questions. 

Read pages 20-21: Learn the new vocabulary 

Then read pages 25-31, do the exercises at the end of the story. 


Write your own short story about a problem a character has and how the problem gets solved in a creative way. 

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