Sunday, December 31, 2017

Paddington 2 Lesson Plan Letter to Aunt Lucy

Paddington 2  Lesson Plan

I read the Paddington series a long time ago, The books were probably one of the first novels that I read back in the day.  But now kids don't have to plow through all the descriptions, they can have pictures !  They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I doubt it.  Can you describe this picture?

Get this book now on Amazon!

Key terms
fortnightly - every two weeks.
M ademoselle  D u b o is - Miss Dubois
cyclist - a person who rides a bicycle
kiosk - a small stand where you can sell things outdoors

Questions  -
What is the title of the book?
Why is this a good title?
What happened to Paddington before the start of this book?
What does Paddington want to do next?
Who is Aunt Lucy?
Where is she?
Why is Paddington writing to her?
What is Mrs. Brown doing?  Would you like to do that?
What is Mr. Brown doing?  Is this activity interesting?
What is Judy doing?  Do you like to write?
Why is Jonathan changing his image?  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Describe Paddington's new friends.  How do they help Paddington?
Where does Paddington go every day?

Write a letter to your grandmother or another family member telling about your daily activities.   Write about the things that you do and the interesting people you meeet.  The letter has to be at least 10 sentences long.

While you are reading this chapter, I invite you to listen to this beautiful song with beautiful artwork!

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