Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The rise of the Automobile in the 1920's

 The invention and production of the automobile in the 1920's helped fuel a boom in economic growth, not only in the United States but also in Europe. 

Lets read in the Big Fat Notebook of American History on page 358 and then go to this site:

These two pictures are from the Car Muesum in Brussels, Belgium that I went to last year right before the COVID hit the world.  It was open on a Monday which is why we ended up visiting this place instead of the Fine Art museum across the way.  So you get to benefit from our trip!  

I don't know if these cars were ever on the road, but they sure look beautiful!!,strength%20despite%20its%20light%20weight.

And I couldn't resist to show you this photo taken at the car museum!!  

 I'm in First Place!!

Summary of the lesson:
The Roaring Twenties were a result of the exploration and exploitation of a number of factors: 
Cheap oil, petroleum output becomes important, importation from Persia, later called Iran, 
Henry Ford invents uses the production line method of manufacturingRoads were built, gas stations, hotels, restaurants, 
Amercians enjoyed new found freedom, with the use of the car. 

You are one of Henry Fords' employees in the Marketing Department.  Write an advertisment for the new Model T car.  Why should Americans buy the car? How fast does it go? What are the safety features? 

Rachael Alice Orbach  
Just Beautiful Music: 


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