Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Descriptive writing - My Perfect Hideaway

 My Perfect Hideaway 

Today we are going to work on descriptive writing about a place. 

Which do you prefer? 

A Cave?

Batman's Cave?

A Treehouse? 

 Have you ever wanted to disappear into a special secret place that only YOU know about? What would that place look like? Where would it be? How big would it be? When would you go there? Who else would be allowed in? 

Think about the physical attributes of the hideaway including appearance, size, location, view, shape, furnishing, access,

List some interesting words to describe this place: 

Does your description make the hideaway sound really special to you?

Now use this graphic organizer to jot down your ideas. 

Homework: Write your essay about your Perfect Hideaway. 

You need at least three paragraphs:




Rachael Alice Orbach Teacher- Musicain- Composer

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