Thursday, December 14, 2017

Mr. Klutz is Nuts Chapter 11

Does Mr. Klutz do the normal things that principals do? 
What is different about Mr. Klutz?

 To pick up this book go to Amazon!:

Talk about all the incentives that Mr. Klutz came up with in order to get the kids to do better in school.
Which one do you like best?
What is the explanation that Andrea says about Mr. Klutz?
Does this make sense to you?
What was fun about Mr. Klutz's painting his head orange?

Mr. Klutz writes about his life. Where was he born?  What work did he do in the past?  Does he enjoy being a principal?

Maybe if Mr. Klutz listens to this music he will calm down and not be so nervous?

Music and pictures by Rachael Alice Orbach

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