Friday, February 7, 2020

William Penn’s Holy Experiment, The Story of the World, Book 3, Chapter 15

Now we will learn the real stories about William Penn.  Don't get William Tell who shot an apple off his son's head with William Penn who founded Pennsylvania! 

Portrait of William Penn
Artist: Unknown

Read pages 130-133 and then discuss these questions:


What was William Penn's vision for his new colony? 
Which king did the English invite to be King of England? 
Who brought him back to England? 
How do we know that this man was very rich? 
What position did William's father want him to have at the court of the King? 
Why didn't William want to do that? 
What religion were the people of England at this time? Why didn't William worship like that? 
What happened when William was 22 years old? 

Why were these people named 'Quakers?'
What is the difference between the word "you" and "thee?"
Which one did the Quakers use when speaking to each other? Why?
Where did Admiral Penn send his son? Why? What did he do there? 
What were the Quaker beliefs and practices? Why did this anger William's father? 
What happened after William was released from jail? 
Who did he go see?  
What did William do for the next three years? 
What idea did he have? Who did he go to see to put this idea into action? 
Did this person agree? 
What was the name chosen? Why?
How many people went with Penn?
How did he treat the Native Americans?
How many colonists went to this new land?
What was the problem with the governer of Maryland? 
How long was it until he returned? What did he do in England? 
What was the problem with King James II? 
Why didn't the English Protestants want King James II? 
Who did they want to rule England instead?
What did King William and Queen Mary promise not to do?  Did they keep their promise? 
What did William Penn do?  Why couldn't he go back to Pennsylvania? 
What did he see when he finally got to Philadelphia? 
What was the law about buildings in Philadelphia?  

For more information go here:

William Penn wrote to King Charles II reminding him of his father's loan.  You write the letter and tell the King what you want to do and if he agrees, you will take the money in land in the New World.

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