Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Roman Builders Story of the World book 1


Today we are going to study about Roman roads and aqueducts.

Pont du Gard

Pont du Gard, an ancient Roman aqueduct in Nîmes, France.

© Karel Gallas/

The Roman roads made the Roman Empire possible. 

Story of the World Boxed Paperback set

To get a of visual preview Roman Roads go to this video:

And here we will study about the Roman Aquaducts  

The read in the Story of the World pages 162-163 
Answer the questions in the Lesson Plan 

For more information about Roman Roads go here:

For more information about the Roman aquaducts

Why were these engineering feats so amazing? 

What were roads like before the Romans? 
How did they build the roads? 

Why were cities in the ancient world usually established next to water sources? 
How did the aquaduct change that? 

What invention of the modern world is similar to these two Roman innovations? 

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