Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Magic Tree House Afternoon on the Amazon Chapter 7 Student Assignment Sheet

Magic Tree House

Afternoon on the Amazon

Chapter 7

Student Assignment Sheet

What happened in Chapter 6? What is exciting? How do Jack and Annie cope with their problem?

While Reading Make a chart of the events that happen in this chapter

beckoned – Verb to motion that you want someone to follow you
My mom beckoned me to follow her across the street.

Predator Noun an animal that catches and eats other animals
The Lion is the biggest predator in the African grasslands.

Sprang – Verb past tense of spring, to jump at something
The dog sprang and knocked down the flower pot.

beckoned bek oned

Where did the monkey take them?
What was the weather inside the rain forest? Why?
What information did he learn from the book?
What did Jack tell Annie to do? Did it work?
Where was the mother animal?
How did the monkey lure it away?What would you do in this situation?

Compare how Jack and Annie get away from the dinosaurs in the dinosaur book with how they get away from the Jaguar in this book. What was the same? What was difference

Comparing Harry Potter 1 with Harry Potter 7
In Harry Potter book 1 Harry is very young and in order to get away from Voldemort, he has to solve a logic puzzle with the help of his friend Hermonie.

In Harry Potter 7, Harry is more mature and he needs to rely upon himself. He has the final duel in the forest with Voldemort, and he is the one who finally kills Voldemort, once and for all.

Alternative Homework: 
 Compare the Rainforest people with your cultures.  What is the same and what is different? 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Magic Tree House Afternoon on the Amazon Chapter 6 Student Assignment Sheet

Magic Tree House
Afternoon on the Amazon
Chapter  6
Student Assignment Sheet

What happened in Chapter 5?  What is exciting?  How do Jack and Annie cope with their problem?

While Reading Make a chart of the events that happen in this chapter

Background Reading

 Amazon Monkeys
  Canoe in the Amazon
Canoeing on the Amazon River

 faced – Verb  to be looking in a certain direction
In America, everyday at the beginning of class, we face the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance.  

hurl  Verb – to throw
At the Olympics, the shot putter hurls the ball.

 scaly ska li

At the beginning of the chapter, how does the monkey behave?
What did Annie do? 
Where did the monkey go?
What did the monkey bring back to Jack and Annie?
Why it is a bad idea to be in the river during a storm?
What would you do in this situation?
What did the monkey do at the end of the chapter?


 Write a letter home to your parents about how you and a friend are stuck in the Amazon.
What are you doing there?  How did you get there?  How do you plan to get home?


Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing from music camp, but actually now I am on a hike in the forest. The clarinet section decided to take a break from rehearsals, and we took a hike.  The problem is that we could hear the camp, but we couldn’t see it.  The section leader who has been here at Camp Music in the Woods forgot the way back.  So I took  out my harmonica, you know that I am never without some kind of musical instrument and I played a tune and someone came out to get us.    Was I happy to see him! Well usually I don’t like him because he plays the trombone and hits my chair during Band rehearsals, but today I was glad to see him.

Everything is fine now, and we won’t be taking any more unguided hikes!

Musically yours,


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Magic Tree House Afternoon on the Amazon Chapter 5 Student Assignment Sheet

Magic Tree House

Afternoon on the Amazon

Chapter 5

Student Assignment Sheet

What happened in Chapter 4? What is exciting? How do Jack and Annie cope with their problem?

While Reading Make a chart of the events that happen in this chapter

Background Reading


Dangerous fish

Alligators and crocodiles

Green anacondas, 2nd animal listed

Spider monkey, 1st one listed

Political Map of South America

Four thousand miles =6437 km

Two countries in South America

scaly – Adjective the body covering of a snake
The snake is not slimy, but scaly.

Wiggle - Verb to move from side to side
The boy wiggled when his mother tried to put the hat on his head.

Jerk – Verb to move in a quick movement
He jerked the box from side to side to figure out what was in it.

scaly ska li

Why didn’t Jack get to write some notes?
How did Jack and Annie get the canoe to move?
What information did he learn from the book?

Which animals did Annie and Jack meet on the river?
What did each of them do?
What would you do in this situation?
What was the last animal that Jack and Annie found?


What is your favorite animal?    Is it a domestic animal or a wild animal?  Would it make a good pet, why or why not?   What is the animal’s natural habitat?

Example: I would love to have a miniature horse. These small horses are usually found in zoos, but some are being trained to help blind people. I think that it would be a good pet, but you would have to have a large yard to keep the horse at night, and for its exercise.

English 4 U 
Many ESL Learners need help with the word "supply" so here is how to say it! 

Common vocabulary words to study for this week's English test!

  Words to learn today!  Many students have English tests coming up this week, so here is a list of common words that might come up on your ...