Friday, November 21, 2014

Couple 'fined" 100 Sterling for bad review on a website! Business English

Business runs on good referrals and satisfied customers.  I even heard in a store here in Jerusalem yesterday the maxim "The customer is king!"   This was very heartwarming, as I come from a business background of customer service at JCPenney, where I trained sales people to give good customer service.  But this incident of bad service shocked and surprised me. 

Read this article and discuss it with your English teacher 
Watch the video as well. 

Key Terms 
to charge
booking document 
scrap the policy 
public protection 
come across
out of the ark 
run a hoover
didn't expect the Ritz


What is your definition of good customer service? 
Does this vary according to which industry?
How could this hotel have provided better customer service, without spending lots of money? 
What do you think about their policy of adding 100 Pounds if people write a negative review? 
What happens if you receive faulty goods or bad service?
Do you complain or write a negative review?

Tell me about a time that you wrote a complaint letter about bad goods or services.  What happened? 
What did you mention in your complaint?
Do you feel we all have the right to complain without reprisals?

What do you think about this couple who went to the business websites to advertise the bad service that they received? 
How should have the hotel respond to this complaint? 
What is Trip Advisors'  policy about bad service? 
Have you used Trip Advisor's to see hotel ratings? 
Do you feel that the comments are fair? 
How do you deal with an angry customer? 
Has the level of customer service risen or fallen since the economic crisis?
Has the quality of goods risen or fallen recently? 
Are there still "Premium" customers?  Do they care about price? 
What do you think about price controls? 

Lesson Plan by Rachael Alice Orbach - Professional English teacher 

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