Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fast Breakfast in, Ham and Bacon out! English lesson

Kellogg s the breakfast cereal maker has taken a big loss over the past year.  This echos a trend across the breakfast industry. Cereals and orange juice sales have decreased, while yogurt and egg sales have increased.  Why is this happening? W

Read this article and  discuss it with your English teacher http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-28761333

Key Terms:
the helm 
remains constant
 feeding frenzy
take-out breakfast
 touting breakfast
fighting obesity
weight down
halo around breakfast
 waste away
the narrative

According to the article, what is the most popular breakfast.
What do you eat for breakfast?
 What did your mother eat?
 What did your grandmother eat? 
According to the article, why is breakfast important?
What is the traditional breakfast in the USA?
Why are take-out breakfast so popular? 
Why has bacon and egg sales been on the increase? 
Why do some people eat a big breakfast? 
Have you ever skipped breakfast?  
How did you feel? 
Do you think that breakfast is important? Why or why not? 
What does the research say about eating breakfast? 
Why does this add to the confusion? 
Have you ever had a take-out breakfast?  Why or why not? 
What would you answer on a  survey about breakfast? Why or why not? 

Lesson Plan by Rachael Alice Orbach, Professional English Teacher 

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