Sunday, January 16, 2011

Student-Teacher Contract - Feel free to use in your classes.

Student -Teacher Contract

Your grade will be determined by two parameters:

1. Academic achievement as shown on tests, quizzes and book reports.

2. Your conduct during class.
Class conduct has four components:

A. You come to class on time.

B. You bring all your materials to class at the beginning of class.

C. Your behavior during class.

D. You raise your hand in order to speak. You will keep your questions only to the matter that we are discussing at the moment. Questions not pertaining to the study material will be dealt with after class.
E. Each day at the end of class, each student will receive a behavior grade on a scale of 1-10 ten being perfect behavior. The students who have a grade of 9 or 10 will have their names read out loud at the end of class. If you have a 9 or 10 foStudent -Teacher Contract

Your grade will be determined by two parameters:

1. Academic achievement as shown on tests, quizzes and book reports.

2. Your conduct during class.
Class conduct has four components:

A. You come to class on time.

B. You bring all your materials to class at the beginning of class.

C. Your behavior during class.

D. You raise your hand in order to speak. You will keep your questions only to the matter that we are discussing at the moment. Questions not pertaining to the study material will be dealt with after class.
E. Each day at the end of class, each student will receive a behavior grade on a scale of 1-10 ten being perfect behavior. The students who have a grade of 9 or 10 will have their names read out loud at the end of class. If you have a 9 or 10 for three class sessions in a row, then a דו"ח חיובי will be written to your homeroom teacher.

F. If you get less than 6 then a דו"ח שלילי 'will be written and given to your homeroom teacher.,

I __________________________________ agree with the terms in this Student Teacher Contract.

r three class sessions in a row, then a דו"ח חיובי will be written to your homeroom teacher.

F. If you get less than 6 then a דו"ח שלילי 'will be written and given to your homeroom teacher.,

I __________________________________ agree with the terms in this Student Teacher Contract.


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