Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Worst Witch Page 8


Dress up like a Witch!! 


keep upright! - stay in the standing position

droning - singing in a monotone

marched - to walk like in a parade

in single file - walk one by one

tabby - black and brown striped cat 

Just getting some sun, don't bother me! 

Please pass me the hammer! 
gale - a strong wind

the last of all - the end of the line

sleek - nice and smooth
a sort of - a kind of 

Word mixup - Each word is mixed up, and you need to put the letters in order again

Word bank: gale, sleek, black, march

hrcma                agel                    keles                   clbak

   Write a word for each letter of the word witch  about witches




Write down two truths and one lie about Mildred




Lie ___________________________________

Play a Game!! 

2nd half of the page:  


ran out of - there was no more left 
a pleasant grin- a nice smile
nastily- not nice
darkly- in a depressed way
it does look a bit dim - it doesn't look very smart
Sooty - covered with ashes making it look black.


Put in the correct vowel,  the vowels in these words are wrong:
Word bank:  ran, darkly, dim, nastily

nistaly     rin     derkli    dem 

Write three words that have three letters starting with the letter W 

_  _  _         _  _  _         _  _  _  

Now write four words that have four letters starting with the letter S 

_  _  _  _       _  _  _  _        _  _  _  _        _  _  _  _  

Write sentences that use two of these words:  pleasant, grin, bit,  dim,  darkly, ran, of , out 


Mildred writes a letter home now that she has got the kitten:  You write her letter for her
Word Bank There are more words than you need: 
dim, black, Hardbroom,  darkly, Sooty, tabby, nastily,  grin 

Dear Mom, 

I just got a _________________ instead of a _________________ one like everbody else. 

Miss ____________________ wasn't very nice about it and she smiled _______________,  it does

 look a bit _____________, I was going to name my black kitten  _______________but that name is

 not suitable now.  

What do you think? 

Love, Mildred.


Rachael Alice Orbach
On Line English teacher

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