Monday, March 8, 2021

Not Norman Story by Kelly Bennet Lesson Plan


Not Norman; The cutest goldfish story you will ever read!!  So we are going to start with a cat who doesn't like singing: 

What does the cat do when the man sings?  Is this nice?  

What would you do when the man is singing? 

Now read Not Norman 

Part 1

What does the little boy really want? 
Make up some reasons why his parents gave him a goldfish: 

Why does the boy bring the fish to school? 
What happens on the way? 
How does the boy make it up to the fish? 
What happens at the school? 

Part 2
What happens when the boy goes to his music class? 
How does the fish show his feelings? 
What happens at night? 

What happens on Saturday? 

What does the boy buy? 

Now lets read the story from another viewpoint:

How are the two stories similar and different? 
Which story is more realistic? 
Which one is more fun to read? 

What pet would you like to have? 
How would you take care of your pet? 


Make up a new animal that would be the perfect pet. 
What does it eat?  What does it look and feel like?  
Draw a picture of your pet 

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