Lost Treasure of Emerald Eye by Geronimo Stilton
Chapter 1
Pages 1-13
Teacher’s Note: Talk about the text, ask if there were other difficult vocabulary, explain them.
Questions to ask:
What type of story is this?
What type of mouse is the main character? What clues are in the text? How does he react when his secretary tells him all the problems? How does he solve them?
What type of girl is Thea? How do you know? What clues do we have from the text?
Go over the vocabulary, explain any that the student doesn’t know.
raced by
heart attack
‘fraidy - slang for afraid
Teacher’s note: Ask the student if there were other difficult words to pronounce, explain how to say the words.
grumbled grum bled
stumbled stum bled
tumbled tum bled
tackled tack led
peeled say the l clearly
heartburn heart burn
Teacher’s Note:
Ask the student how a person can be persuaded to do something. How have you done this in the past? Talk about it. Has anyone persuaded you to do something that at the beginning you didn’t to do? How did you feel about it? What words can be used?
Explain these words, ask the student if there are more words that can be added to the list. Then use them.
Useful concept: Persuasive language
better new dangerous exciting educational challenging rough natural delight wild
Questions to discuss
- What is Mr. Stilton’s first problem?
- How does he solve it?
- What happens when he walks into the office?
- Who takes him to lunch?
- Why does Thea think that others are spying on her?
- How does she try to convince Geronimo to help her?
- Why can’t Geronimo sleep that night?
- Predict what is going to happen next!
Based on pages 1-13
Write the e-mail that Thea writes to her brother asking him to go with her. Use the information that she told him, and add persuasive language
Sample e-mail
Dear Sweet Brother,
I so want to you come with me! It will be an educational opportunity for you, a chance for you to get out of the office and enjoy life for a change! Please, think of this as my gift to you for the past 5 years that I forgot to give you birthday presents! Tell the newspaper that you are going on a fact finding mission with me and that we will write a wonderful travel article for the paper! We are going to have a wild time! Just do it for me, pretty please?
With love,
Homework alternative Thea is writing a sales letter for a cruise to find treasure. Write her sales letter using the persuasive language that you have learned in this lesson.
Once in a lifetime opportunity! Find hidden treasure in a remote island! 7 days, 6 nights adventure in the South Seas! Excitement and Adventure can be yours for a low price! Tasty food cooked by our own chef! Where else can you have such an educational vacation?
Call Thea Today, Reserve your Place NOW!
01-555-88953 ext 123
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