Jane Eyre Study Questions chapters10,11,12,13
negas - hot wine with spices, lemon and sugar
Chapter 10 activities:
The local newspaper has sent a reporter to Lowood school to investigate the cause of the typhus plague at the school. You are that reporter. Write the article that appeared in the local newspaper and caused the conditions at the school to improve.
Jane writes a letter to Miss Temple thanking her for the excellent education that she recieved. Write that letter.
Jane now makes a decision to leave Lowood, What was the cause? How did she finally do it?
What does she do in town? How far is it? Why didn't she use an umbrella?
Here is a link to the history of the umbrella: https://www.thoughtco.com/who-invented-the-umbrella-1992592
Draw a picture of Mrs. Fairfax, how Jane visualizes her.
Why do you suppose that Bessie has come to say goodbye to Jane? How did she find out that Jane was leaving the school? What is their relationship like now? What are Jane's accomplishments in Bessie's eyes?
Chapter 11 Activities
Jane has taken her first independent action in her life.
She writes in her diary about this first day outside the institution. You write it for her.
How does the picture of Mrs. Fairfax agree with the actual person?
How does Mrs. Fairfax treat Jane? What did Jane expect?
What are her duties as a governess?
How does Mrs. Fairfax interact with the servants?
Give evidence from her conversation with Jane.
How does the house affect Jane? Is it similar or different from where she grew up?
How do we know that Jane doesn't consider herself beautiful? But what does she do to make herself presentable? Draw a picture of Jane, how she sees herself.
How does the meeting with the little girl affect Jane?
What can Adele do? Do you think that Jane will be able to teach her?
What does Mrs. Fairfax say about Mr. Rochester's character?
What impressions does Jane take of the house? Which part scares her? What is her favorite room?
What does Jane think of the tour of the house? What impressions does she have of Grace Poole?
Chapter 12
How does Jane feel about Adele? What does teachable mean?
What does Jane feel about the servants?
Why does Jane feel hemmed in?
Why does Jane go to town? What happens on the way?
How does Jane describe the man she meets? How does she help him?
How does Jane feel about the man after she helped him get on his horse?
How does she feel about Thornfield?
How does she find out that she helped Mr. Rochester? How does she feel about what she did now?
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