Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Buffalo Before Breakfast Chapter 3 Magic Tree House

Buffalo Before Breakfast Chapter 3 Magic Tree House


Buffalo Before Breakfast - From Amazon

  Jack and Annie are visiting the Great Plains,  and they meet a buffalo! (Otherwise known as Bison) 
Read Chapter 3, pages 15-23 and then discuss these questions with your teacher

What kind of shelter do the people live in on the Great Plains? What does it look like? 
Who were the Lakota? 
What areas did they live in? 
What kind of weapons did they use?  
What happened when the white settlers came to the Great Plains? 
Why does Jack warn Annie to get down out of sight? 
What does Teddy do? 
What is the boy's name?  
Who does the boy invite Jack and Annie to meet?
What does Jack learn from the book about good manners? 
Why did Jack and Annie hold up two fingers? 

Homework: We learned about Lakota good manners.  Write a paragraph about good manners in your culture. 

For more information go to this link:

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