Friday, November 29, 2019

Warlords of Japan, Part 1 - Lesson Plan

Warlords of Japan, Part 1 - Lesson Plan 

One of the great things about this series, is that the author covers all parts of the world around the same time period.  This helps to develop an understanding of the overall trends that were happening in history.  

Read pages 47-49 and then discuss these questions with your teacher. 

What was happening in Japan, while European sea captians were searching for the Northwest Passage? 
Why is Japan called "The Land of the Rising Sun?"

What was Toyotomi Hideyoshi's original profession? What was his nickname? 
Whose army did he join? 
What position did he rise to in that army? 
How do we know he was a great strategist? What did Hideyoshi  do when Nobunaga died?  
What saying did Hideyoshi say about how to rule Japan? 
How did he treat people who might want to rebel?

Where did Hideyoshi want to conquer?  
Who did they get help from? 
Did he get other lands across the sea?  Why or why not? 
How did the war end?

Now get some more information:

Homework: You are writing Hideyoshi's eulogy. Write a paragraph about his humble beginnings and accomplishments. 

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