Friday, April 9, 2021

The Worst Witch Chapter 2 page 7

 Mildren and Maud's midnight conversation was intruppted by Miss Hardbroom.  Will they be able to attend the presentation tomorrow?  We will read page 7 today 

presentation - this was a ceremony to give something to the students 
portrait -painted pictures of people in a frame, usually only the head is shown. 
huge - very big 
a raised platform - a stage for performance 


a large wicker basket: 

 Word bank: 
    hugh  basket   shields    wicker   portrait    presentation   

p_es_ntat_on      ba_k_t     s_ield_   p_rt_ait     wi_ker    hu_h

Present Tense to Past tense 

raise                         was    

assemble                    came 

stand                         raised 

come                          assembled 

sing                             stood

is                                  sang 

Singular vs Plural 

Singular                             Plural 

bench                                     baskets

row                                         mews 

mew                                         walls 

squeak                                      rows 

wall                                             benches 

basket                                         squeaks 

Mildred writes a post card home to her mother: 
Put in the missing words   Word bank:  come,  sleep,   broom, presentation,  kitten,  excited, 

Dear Mom 

Tomorrow is the ___________________.  I will finally get my own black ________________. 

I couldn't _______________last night I was so __________________. 

I wish you could ______________ and see!  



Draw a picture of the presentation:  Put in the girls, Miss Cackle, Miss Hardbroom, the girls and the mewing basket. 

Now we will study the School Song!! 

We listened to the school song: 


onward - going toward something
ever - all the time
striving - working with excellence
proudly - with pride
treetops - above the trees
moonlit - the only light is the moon

ne'er  - never - (old English )
cauldrons - a pot to make potions
cast a spell - to say a spell (for a witch) 
zest - very vigorously 

Spelling  put in the vowel in the word : Word bank:   treetops, moonlit  never,  zest,  cast 

z_st      n_v_r       c_st       tr_ _  t_ ps 

Rhyming words: 

fly  sky   These two words have the same sound at the eng. 

Find the rhyming words in the song.  Mark them. 

Make sentences: 


likes  Maud  Midnight  name   the 


side We by  work other's  each


pride  cast  We  our  with  spells 


Write your own song for your school 

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