Sunday, March 7, 2021

Stock Market 1929 Crash Big Fat Notebook of American History pages 365-376


Read the Big Fat Notebook pages 365 -376 do the questions on page 377, check your answers on page 378

Then go on to this website:


What were the causes of the Great Depression? 

Name Three ________________     __________________  _________________

What event coincided with the Depression that made it worse? 

What did the American Government do to try to solve the problems? 

What can we learn from this event? 


You are a newspaper reporter specializing in covering the NYSE  New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street.  

Write the newspaper report that will appear in the paper on Octber 30th 1929

The New Deals  

Read pages 370-372 The New Deals 

What did the government want to do? 

How did FDR restore the confidence of the American people in the government? 

What were the things that he did that made business owners angry? 

What was the problem with the jobs that were created? 

The Dust Bowl in the 1930's 

Read page 373 and this web page Dust Bowl facts for kids Do the quiz on this page. 


You are a Okie and you left your farm. 


Write a letter to the newspaper saying why you left and what was so diffucult about living in Oklahoma during the 1930's 

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