Monday, March 1, 2021

Our Animal Friends Wonders G2 pages 51-53

 Our Pet friends:  Maybe our cats are thinking about us: 

Read pages 51-53 and study these vocabulary words

Tell a funny story using these vocabulary words

Here is a link for more advanced students:   History of Pets - Advanced

Which one of these facts is more interesting for you? 

Do you have a pet? 

How do people take care of pets? 

How does having a pet make people feel? 


If there is time at the end, then you can play this game

Rachael Alice Orbach 

|Teacher - Musician Only Original music!! 

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Common vocabulary words to study for this week's English test!

  Words to learn today!  Many students have English tests coming up this week, so here is a list of common words that might come up on your ...