Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Roaring Twenties!! Lesson Plan

 My grandmother came of age in 1920!  She was born in 1899, so she could never hide her age from us.  We always knew.  I wanted to know more about how it was to live in the Roaring Twenties: 

Now go to the Big Fat Notebook of American History pages 355-362, do the questions on page 363 check them on page 364

This is also this website to get even more infomation:


What were the good things that happened during the 20's? 

What were the bad things? 

Did this affect your family? 

Summary of the lesson: 

Key Points

  • The 1920s saw an explosion of industrial growth in the United States as World War I veterans returned to the labor force.
  • Government and big business became more closely entwined during the postwar era under the successive  Republican administrations of three presidents: Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover.
  • Facing high  unemployment  and  inflation, President Warren Harding signed the Emergency  Tariff  and Forney-McCumber Tariff to reduce the national debt and taxes, protect the farming industry, and limit immigration.
  • The 1920s saw two major literary movements: The Lost Generation, a group of U.S. expatriates who mostly settled in Paris, and the Harlem Renaissance, an African-American cultural awakening based in New York’s Harlem district.
  • Radio, jazz music, and Hollywood films flourished as the popular entertainment of the era, while Prohibition and speakeasies helped fuel a criminal outbreak.

Key Terms

  • Emergency Tariff of 1921: A temporary measure enacted on May 27 to ease the plight of farmers until a better economic solution could be put into place by the government.
  • Harlem Renaissance: An African-American cultural movement spanning the 1920s and 1930s.
  • The Lost Generation: Americans who came of age during World War I; refers specifically to a group of well-known expatriate writers including Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald.


You are a reporter for a magazine New York.  Write an article about the employment situation in your community. Write the problems that happened after the Great War. 

Lesson 2 of the Roaring Twenties 

Watch this video : 

Read in the Big Fat Notebook of American history pages 358-363

Answer the questions on page 364 Check your answers on page 365

Dress styles of the 1920


You are a African American musician, tell why you want to go to Harlem, New York.  What will you find there during the 1920's? 

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