Saturday, February 20, 2021

Harry Potter #4 Lesson Plan

 Today we will discuss Chapters 31-33, but first let's watch a funny moment in the film: 


What is Moody's character like? 

What does he see Malfoy do? 

Why does he choose this particular punishment? 

What's the reaction of the other students? 

Who interferes?  What does she tell him? 

How does he react? 

What does this scene foreshadow for the rest of the film?

Read Chapters 31-33 and then go to this link:

Chapter 31

What is the difference between a spell and a hex? 

What hexes and spells do Hermione and Ron teach Harry? 

Which one do you like the most? 

Who shows up the day of the last task instead of Harry's family? 

Why is he happy to see them? 

How does he feel about the last task? 

Tell what happens in the maze. 

Which obstacle is the most scary to you? 

Why is this last task almost invisible to the spectators? 

Chapter 31

What happens in the graveyard first? 

Why is Cedric called the spare? 

Who is there? 

What does Wormtail do? 

Tell about the transformation of Voldemort. 

Chapter 33 

Why does Voldemort press a tattoo on Wormtail? 

Who comes into the graveyard? 

What does Voldemort say in his speech? 

Why is this history important? 

Why does he want Wormtail to until Harry and give him back his wand?

Summary, we watched a cute video from the Movie of Harry Potter #4, discussed about it, then we discussed the three chapters 31-33 and then did a quiz.  Awesome work today


You make up a hex to use during the TriWizard tornament. 

What does the hex do? What words do you use to make it work? 

What wand movments do you do? 


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