Friday, February 19, 2021

Colonial Governments Timelinks G5 Lesson Plan

 Today we are going to study Colonial Governments in the British colonies.  I have previewed a number of videos and this one is the best, explaining almost the way that I would have said it!  

So go here and watch this first: 

Timelinks Grade 5 The Early United States

Now lets read in Timelinks G5 pages 136-139

Big Fat Notebook of American History page 74 The English Bill of Rights


What were the three main forms of Colonial Government? 

Which one had the most independence?  least? 

Which one was tied more to the King of England? 

What type of laws were the colonists allowed to pass? 

How were the governors appointed? Why did this cause problems? 

What were the ideas of John Locke? How did these ideas affect the colonies? 

How did the English Bill of rights affect the colonists? 


John Locke believed that people are essentially good.  Prepare for a debate on this subject. Write your points why you agree or disagree with John Locke. 

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