Thursday, April 23, 2020

Project Management in English Lesson 1

Project Management is the most effective ways to manage business.  Here is a  list of Project management terms that you should learn in English

Study this list and then discuss it with your teacher, We will study the whole list in turn.  Today we will deal with these terms and general questions. 

What type of project are you working on now? 
Why is this project important? 
What risks are associated with this project? 
What are the project requirements? 
What resources do you need to do the project? 
What is the time line of the project? 
What is the budget of the project? 
Which parts of the project do you project that can go over budget? How do you control for that? 
Which mode of communication do you use for the team members?  Client? 
Which parts of the project would be subject to change? 

What WBS will you use for your project? 
What are the major deliverables that you will use? Sub deliverables? How can you get the tasks assigned down to a single person? 


State for your project:

Starting phase
Ending phase
Fixed dates on plan


Who are the stakeholders for your project?  List them all and how much they will be affected by the project. Which have the widest scope?  limited scope?
Which information does each stakeholder need? 

Work Plan

Set up a work plan for your project. Job titles, and functions for each person involved in the project. 
Set up the budget, scheduling, requirements. Set up all the tasks that the project needs to be done and the time frame that it will be done. Set these parameters: the job scope, work product definition, task sequencing, budget, schedule.  Any thing that you forgot before add now. 

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