Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Shopkeepers’ Invasion, The Story of the World, Book 3, Chapter 19

How did the English take over India?  Well it is an interesting story.  They fought for it, but not because of the English King, but because of the East India Company!  Read pages 161-163 and discuss the questions with your teacher. 

Where was the first English trading post?  What did it look like? 
What were the goods that the English exported from India? 
Where else in India did they open trading posts? 
How did the East India Company operate? 
What kind of buildings did they build?  Why? 
Who was afraid of these buildings? 
What function did the nawab do? 
What did he do to the English? 
Which other country was also in India? Why did they agree to help the Nawab? 
What was "The Black Hole?" 
What happened there? 
What was the reaction of the English? 
Who was the general of the army? What type of person was he? 
How did he insure that his army would win? 
Why did Mir Jafar do nothing? 

Homework: Prepare the agenda of the Board Meeting of the East India Company for their annual meeting of  the year 1757.

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