Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Land of the Dragon, The Story of the World, Book 3, Chapter 20

The Land of the Dragon, is the nickname that was used to describe China.

 Read pages 169-171 and then discuss these questions with your teacher.

Where was the heartland of China? 
What was happening in the North?  Who did the Chinese fight and win? 
Who was in the East? 
Which mythical land was in the East? What could you do there? 
Who was in charge in Tibet? Who was the Dalai Lama? What did he do? 
What country was to the south of Tibet? 
What was the main export of this country? 
Who ruled there? 
Why did China want to rule over Vietnam and Korea? 
Did they succeed? 
Which island did the Chinese take over? 
What was the population of China at this time? 

Homework: Make a chart of the countries that China get tribute from.  

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