Saturday, January 25, 2020

Plague and Fire England, Chapter 12

Plague and Fire  in England Read pages 108-110 and then discuss these questions with your teacher!  


What was life like with Charles II as King of England?  
What was this period called? 
How many people lived in London at this time? 
How did the poor people live? 
What material were the houses build from?
Where did the plague first start? 
How did the plague spread? 
What did the city officals do about it?  Did that help? 
How many people died during the plague? 
Which famous author wrote about it? 
How long did the plague last in London? 
What other disaster then hit London? Why? 
What year did it start? 
What was the actual cause of the diaster? 
What did the Mayor do first about the problem? 
What happened as it spread? Why? 
What did the people do to help? 
How long  did the fire burn? 
How much of London burned? 


You are a newspaper reporter from another country and you are sending in your article to your newspaper about the Plague and the London Fire: Write the article. 

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