Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Environmentally Friendly Motocycle - Lesson Plan

We are all concerned about climate change, but face the facts, we need to get around quickly. What better way than by motorcycle!  Here is a motorcycle that runs on batteries!

Read this article, then discuss the questions with your English teacher!  

What does BST stand for? 
What is different about this motorcycle? 
Who is the founder of the company? 
What is his vision? 
Who did he get to work with him on this project? 
What technical advances will be used in this motorcycle? 
How many miles can it go on the open road? In the city? 
How much will the bike weigh? 
How does the rider know the "vitals" of the bike? 

How much will it cost? 
Would you like to ride this bike? 
What are the advantages? Disadvantages? 

Is there a market for such a bike in your country? Why or why not? 

Design a new mode of transportation.  What would it do? How would you use it?  

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