Sunday, December 24, 2017

Mr. Klutz is Nuts, Chapter 3

Mr. Klutz Chapter 3.  A.J. got in trouble and got sent to the prinicpal's office.  This would be scary for any kid, but is A.J. scared?  Read Chapter 3 to find out!

Available on Amazon:

Why is the word pal in the work prinicipal?
Why does A.J. keep changing his mind about what he wants to be when he grows up?
What does Billy say is in the basement of the school?
How does A.J. feel about going to the prinicipal's office?
Where does he go first?
Why doesn't he go through with his plan?
Why does A.J. exaggerate about the time he spent waiting for Mr. Klutz?
What was Mr. Klutz doing when A.J. entered the office?
Why was Mr. Klutz doing that?
Why did A.J. put his head down? Does it work?
What did A.J. think he was being sent to talk to Mr. Klutz?
What was the truth?
Was Mr. Klutz a good student when he was in school?
What metaphor does A.J. give for the word "motivation?"
What does Mr. Klutz give to A.J.  Why? Will it give A.J. motivation?
Why does he run out of Mr. Klutz's office so fast?

Homework: You are writing for the school newspaper.  You are going to describe Mr. Klutz's office so that other students won't be too surprised if they get sent there.  What does his office look like? What posters are on the wall?  What does the furniture look like? What is on the ceiling?

For your Listening Pleasure: Rachael Alice Orbach performing original improvisation on the Mandolin!

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