Thursday, April 20, 2017

Timelinks 5 Our Government pages 8-9

Timelinks 5 is an interesting book that covers all about American History.  It is written for American students, but ESL students can learn a tremendous amount in history that is not taught in their schools as well as English terms that are used all the time in America.

Today we are learning about the American Government.

Key terms

democracy - power held by the people, used when they vote
republic - a country that has elected leaders
constitution - plan of government
preamble - introduction to a formal document
ruled - when a king or queen holds power
rights - things that people can do within the law
local - the commuity where people live
state - many communites
national - the whole country
citizen  a person either born or naturalized, a member of a country

What is the difference between a democracy and a monarchy?
What rights do the American people have?
What duties do they have?
How can a citizen serve the country?
How does the elected leaders serve the country?

Homework: How does the form of government help the people?  What is the form of government in your country?  Do the people vote?  Do you feel that the government helps the people?

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