Friday, January 7, 2011

Vocabulary and Grammar Review

Vocabulary Review Master Mind Unit 3 - Copyright Rachael Orbach

Choose the correct answer Use these words: there are more words than you need:

astounding, respond, its a shame, apparently, reduce, road sign, image, slogan, apply, persuade, publish, program, participant,

  1. It was __________________________ how many people came to the lecture.

  1. I want to ________________ for the job, but I don't have the qualifications.

  1. You can lead a horse to water but you can't ________________ it to drink.

  1. All drivers must obey all __________________________.

  1. When are you going to ______________________ the results of the experiment?

  1. I need to _____________________ the amount of chocolate I eat.

  1. This ___________________ will enable me to be more productive at work.

  1. ________________________ that more people aren't honest all the time.

  1. The new ______________________ for the advertisement will be “On my honor, its great!”

  1. Each _______________________ in the experiment received a voucher for an ice cream.

lend, mutter, emphasize, relieved, take place, elderly,predict loan, recommend, scarcely, self-respect cheerful, evidence. improbable, rapidly, catch sight of,

  1. I want to _______________________ that this is last time I'm telling you to go to bed!

  1. Can you please give me a __________________ until Friday?

  1. Try to be _________________________, Chanuka is coming!

  1. 14 I'm glad that you don't think of the story as ________________________.

  1. The _________________ finally found his bar of soap!

  1. It is ____________________ the time to be panicking the test is not until next Monday.

  1. All the ___________________ points to the guilty man.

  1. I was _____________________ when I saw that the test was so easy!

  1. No, I can't _________________ you five hundred shekels!

  1. It was such a _____________________ day, no sun, but no rain either!

Grammar Review: Exercise on Present Perfect Progressive

Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect progressive).

  1. He (work) _has been working _________________ in this company since 1985.

  2. I (wait) __________________________ for you since two o'clock.

  3. Mary (live) _______________________ in Germany since 1992.

  1. Why is he so tired? He (play) ______________________ tennis for five hours.

  1. How long (learn / you) ______________________ English?

  1. We (look for) ___________________ the motorway for more than an hour.

  1. I (live) _______________________ without electricity for two weeks.

  1. How long (work / she) ____________________ in the garden?

  1. She (not / be) ______________________ in the garden for more than an hour.

Negative Sentences

Write negative sentences in present perfect progressive.

  1. we / not / in the mountains / walk We have not been walking in the mountains

  2. Beatrice / not / in Boston / teach ____________________________________

  3. Ricky / not / the car / wash _________________________________________

  4. she / not / a poem / write ___________________________________________

  5. we / not / tea / drink _______________________________________________

  6. we / not / our rooms / clean _________________________________________

  7. the children / not / on the floor / sleep _________________________________

  8. Jeff and Linda / not / cycle __________________________________________

  9. Christine / not / her home / decorate __________________________________

  10. the cat / not / on the chair / lie / all day ________________________________

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