Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Project about Conflict for 5 points


This is a project about Conflict that I have used for 5 points.  Good luck

Rachael Alice 

Project About Conflict


Conflicts between people or groups and in different societies are common. They often occur when people do not communicate, are unable or don't want to consider different points of view and refuse to accept the traditions and beliefs of other people. The negative aspects and harmful behaviors associated with societies that do not value cultural pluralism may be lessened when people take the following steps:

face their prejudices;
work on identifying common beliefs, interests and goals;
learn about each others' customs, traditions, and histories;
listen to new perspectives with open minds;
respect the rights of others to promote the common good.

In this project you are going to examine a conflict, learn more about it and then express
your opinion about that conflict in a letter to the editor of a newspaper.

  1. Find definitions of the noun "conflict”  in different dictionaries and copy them onto your page.
  2. Now you are going to write questions for a survey. Write the title "Conflict Survey" on your planning page and then write ten questions for a "Conflict" survey.
  3. Conduct your survey in your class and /or at home.
  4. Write a report about the results of your survey. You can use a diagram or pie chart to show the results.

  1. Find a quotation or quotations that you identify with about conflict, prejudice, intolerance or hatred.
  2. Read these words and explanations connected with Conflict Resolution:

Some conflicts start because people misunderstand each other. Talking things out and explaining might take care of it.
When two or more people decide to work out a conflict themselves, they might follow a set of steps. The steps help them work out the conflict or negotiate.
Sometimes people want to work out a problem but have trouble negotiating. They might ask someone to help them. That person is called a mediator. He or she mediates the conflict by helping the people work it out. The mediator does not tell the people what to do; he or she helps them decide for themselves.
Sometimes a mediator does solve people's problems. Then he or she isn't called a mediator. He or she is called an arbitrator. When people ask an arbitrator to help them, they must agree to do whatever the arbitrator suggests.
When people can't work out their conflict themselves, they may go to a court and have a trial. They hire lawyers and go before a judge. A judge is like an arbitrator. The lawyers try to convince the judge that their client is right. The judge decides who is right according to the law and decides what solution there should be.
To legislate is to make something the law or a rule. Some kinds of conflicts cause people to try to change laws or rules so the problem won't happen again.
  1. Now, write something about the quotation you chose about conflict, prejudice, intolerance or hatred.
    • Use at least one of the words above (negotiate, mediate, arbitrate, etc) in your writing.
    • You may write your opinion about this quotation.
    • Do you agree/disagree with the quotation? Explain why.
    • You may write a little anecdote (story) illustrating the quotation.
    • You may give some examples to explain the quotation.

  • Examine an example of conflict, prejudice intolerance or hatred anywhere in your society, school, city, country or in the world.
 Here are some examples of conflicts:
Israeli and Palestinians
Internal conflicts in our country – worker’s unions, disabled people, ethnic groups, religious and nonreligious people,
Catholics and Protestants in Ireland
Osama Bin Laden and the USA
Man’s conflict with the environment

  • Choose a conflict you would like to study.

  • Answer these questions about the conflict you've chosen to study:
    1. Who are the two sides of this conflict?
    2. How do they express the conflict?
    3. What are the causes of the conflict?
    4. Who are the leaders in this conflict?
    5. What is the history of this conflict (in short)?
    6. What is a possible solution or solutions for this conflict?
    7. Where did you find your information? (bibliography)
    8. What is your conclusion about the conflict you studied?
  • Check your grammar and spelling.

  • Stage 4 - Expressing Your Opinion

    Readers can express their own opinions about subjects in the "Letters to the Editor" section of every newspaper.
    1. Write a letter to the editor of a real newspaper stating your opinion about the conflict your project is about.
    2. Now follow these steps:

      [Write your name here.
      Address and telephone number.
      Email address here.
      Write the date here.]

      The Editor, [Write the name of the newspaper here.
      Write the newspaper's address.]

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      Re: [ write the issue you're writing about, e.g. "Conflict in Ireland" or the name and date of the article you're referring to]
Paragraph I
Paragraph II
Paragraph III
Sincerely yours,
[Your Name]

      • Write in short, get to the point quickly.
      • Try to add something personal in your letter.
      • Divide your work into clear paragraphs, check your spelling and use connectors where possible.

Stage 5 - Presenting Your Work:

Written Presentation:
The written presentation is in fact a presentation of the final draft of ALL the written stages of this project. Your project should be submitted in an organized and neat fashion in a folder. You may illustrate it. Make sure to include the following components:
1.                  Cover page. Title of project, your name, class, date.
2.      Table of contents.
3.      Introduction.
4.      Sections of the Project (Include here all the stages of the project that you did)
5.      Conclusion.
6.      Bibliography. (Don't forget to cite all the internet sites you used in your project
7.      Reflection. Write a page in which you express what you learned/gained through doing this project.
8.      Appendices.
9.      Illustrations.

General Reflection Sheet :

Please write your reflections about the whole "Conflicts Project" and include this page in your Written Presentation.
1.      My name is:
2.      The title of my project is:
3.      I learned these things while doing this project:
4.      I especially enjoyed this part of my project:
5.      I especially disliked this part of my project:
6.      I learned these new skills:
7.      I learned these new words:
8.      Finally, I'd like to say that...

Evaluation of Stage 1 - "Defining Conflict":
Excellent (20-25 points)
Good (15-20)
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Copying definitions for "conflict"
I copied more than one definition correctly onto my page
I copied one or more definitions with some mistakes
I didn't copy any definitions
Writing your own survey
I wrote 10 correct questions in my survey
I wrote less than 10 correct questions
I didn't write any correct questions
Conducting the survey
I conducted the survey among more than 10 pupils
I conducted the survey among less than 10 pupils
I didn't conduct the survey at all
Writing a report about the survey
My report is clear and correct
My report is quite clear with a few language errors
I didn't write a report

Evaluation of Stage 2 - "Using Conflict Vocabulary":
Excellent (12-14 points)
Good (9-11)
Needs Improvement (7-8)
Copying a quotation about conflict, hatred, prejudice, intolerance
I copied more than one quotation
I copied one quotation
I didn't copy a quotation
Understanding the words and explanations connected with Conflict Resolution:
I understood all the words
I understood some of the words
I didn't understand the words
Writing about the quotation
I wrote a page about the quotation I chose
I wrote less than a page
I didn't write anything
Using paragraphs in writing
I divided my work into more than two clear paragraphs
I divided my work only into two paragraphs
I wrote only one paragraph
Using correct spelling
I wrote without any spelling mistakes
I wrote with a few spelling mistakes
I wrote with many spelling mistakes
Using correct grammar
I wrote without any grammar mistakes
I wrote with a few grammar mistakes
I wrote with many grammar mistakes
Connection between the quotation and the writing
My writing explains the quotation I chose
My writing is somewhat connected to my quotation
My writing is not at all connected to my quotation

Evaluation of Stage 3 - "The Two Sides of a Conflict":
Excellent (9-10 points)
Good (7-8)
Needs Improvement (5-6)
The two sides of the conflict
I explained clearly who the two sides of this conflict are
I partially explained the two sides of the conflict
I didn't explain the two sides of the conflict
The nature of this conflict
I explained clearly how the sides express the conflict
I partially explained how the sides express the conflict
I didn't explain how the sides express the conflict
The causes of the conflict
I summarized the causes of the conflict
I wrote about the causes of the conflict but not only in my own words
I didn't explain the causes of the conflict
The leaders in this conflict
I clearly explained who the leaders in this conflict are
I partially explained who the leaders in this conflict are
I didn't explain who the leaders in this conflict are
The history of this conflict
I summarized information about the history of this conflict
I wrote about the history of this conflict but not only in my own words
I didn't write about the history of this conflict
A possible solution/s for this conflict
I clearly explained my suggested solution for this conflict
I partially explained my suggested solution for this conflict
I didn't suggest a possible solution for this conflict
Cover page, table of contents, bibliography
I included all three with no mistakes
I included two out of the three
I didn't include any of them
My work is very neat
My work is mostly neat
My work is not neat at all
Grammar and Spelling
I have no grammar or spelling mistakes
I have a few grammar and/or spelling mistakes
I have many grammar and/or spelling mistakes
I wrote a clear conclusion
My conclusion is quite clear
I didn't write a conclusion

Evaluation of Stage 4 - "Expressing Your Opinion":
Excellent (15-17 points)
Good (12-14)
Needs Improvement (8-11)
Letter-writing format
I used the correct letter form: greeting, body, closure
I used a partially correct letter form
My letter form is incorrect
I have no grammatical mistakes
I have a few grammatical mistakes
I have many grammatical mistakes
I have no spelling mistakes
I have a few spelling mistakes
I have many spelling mistakes
My punctuation is correct
I have a few punctuation mistakes
I have many mistakes in punctuation
Using paragraphs
I organized my letter into paragraphs with clear topics
I organized my letter into paragraphs with clear topics for only one paragraph
I didn't organize my letter clearly
Expressing an opinion
My argument is easy to understand
My argument is partially easy to understand
My argument is unclear

Evaluation of Stage 5 - Written Presentation:
Excellent (9-10 points)
Good (7-8)
Needs Improvement (5-6)
Cover page
My cover page is attractive and includes all the information
My cover page is quite attractive but doesn't include all the information
I didn't do a cover page
Table of contents
My table of contents is clear and correct
My table of contents is quite clear and correct
I didn't include a table of contents
My introduction is clear and relates to the topic.
My introduction is fairly clear and relates partially to the topic.
I didn't include an introduction
Sections of the Project
My presentation is organized and includes all the sections of the project
My presentation is partially organized and includes most of the sections
My presentation is not organized and includes few of the sections
My conclusion shows that I understood the conflict I studied
My conclusion is only partially related to the conflict I studied
I didn't write a conclusion
Bibliography and Appendices
I included a clear bibliography and appendices
My bibliography is not clearly written or I didn't include appendices
I didn't include a bibliography or appendices
I wrote a reflection page which shows that I learned something through doing this project
My reflection page is minimal
I didn't write a reflection page
I have no grammar or spelling mistakes
I have a few grammar and/or spelling mistakes
I have many grammar and spelling mistakes
Graphics, Illustrations
The graphics I used are relevant to the topic I chose
The graphics I used are not relevant to the topic I chose
I dind't use any graphics
My work is creative and original

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oral Report on a Book

Here are two documents that you can use when you want students to do Oral Reports in Class.  They can also be used for practice of the Oral part of the Bagrut.  

This one you need to copy paste. 

1.      How to do an Oral Report.

a.      write your report, as notes.   Make points: a, b, c,
b.      Practice saying your report in front of the mirror.
c.      Make the talk interesting, use examples,
d.      Have a handout for the audience to refer to
e.      Don't look at your notes, but look at the audience.
f.      Use eye contact to make sure that your audience is listening

This document is in .jpg so you need to download it
Good luck, 

Rachael Alice Orbach 

Common vocabulary words to study for this week's English test!

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